Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Modernities and antiquities

This summer has finally been a summer. Maybe a bit on the extreme side as for at least 3 months we haven't seen a drop of water and the grass of the neighbour ended up being more yellow than ours.
One of the advantages of our house, except that it keeps fresher than the average Swedish one, is that we have a pool. With roof and that is warmed up.
Yes, the warming up is crucial even if it is 4000 degrees outside.
The best is the evening bath.
Now. I had finally managed to squeeze in some time for doing that, between cutting some of the thousands of hedges we have, and as soon as I did dip my feet in the lukewarm water, the weather has of course changed with an inch of autumn in the air.

Last evening bath for the season?

It is the middle of August. The warmest month of the whole summer. And now it starts with this crappy weather? 

While we have enjoyed this, there have been many other things ongoing, like always.
Firstly, we have recently had a visit of a conservator because well, we have a painted wall. And we know from pictures from the previous owner (which I forgot to photograph) that behind that lovely structured wallpaper in aquamarine color there is more. The painted wall is in the "entrance". Just after stepping in the house and before reaching the big room with the staircase.
Sure, we need to win the lottery to probably reconstructing it all. It might be also overkill, but if it was there from the start, why no?
We can at least start to investigate how that thing is coming off from the wall. 

The painted wall and the wall covered by the ugly wallpaper
On the minor side, finally, after more than a year, I took an evening/night moment to finally paint the floor in that big room with the staircase. Not that I am very happy of it, but this is the best I can get right now.
First it is completely off to have the floor painted. Black, even.
Second, the color I am using is against any byggnadsvÃ¥rd principle. Some form of regular, water based, plastic rich, floor paint.
But right now it is what it is and I am just hoping to not find any more cat pee stains (it is daily now... so annoying) and scratches.
Looks shiny...
I have noticed that the first strokes of color didn't turn out fine, so I need to retouch that (every task generates an infinite amount of tasks like usual), otherwise, it turned out pretty ok.

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