Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Progresses for the pool house

Every spring we state that "this summer we are going to focus on the pool house". Then we realize (sadly) that summer is short and our time goes into travels/cutting hedges/do regular maintenance and that the extra work progresses way too slow to be perceptible. In this case, the pool house is still a skeleton waiting for doors, windows, some better paint among other things.

At least, we made some more visible progresses recently.
We managed to get mounted the external lamp that I have bought few years back at a auction, hoping it would work out, both functionally speaking, but also aesthetycally.

I wanted to get a lamp close enough to the one we have on the main entrance.
The main entrance (as it was 2012) with the lamp lit

It seems at least reasonably ok. Now, we "just" have to finish the rest. Next summer, maybe?
Lamp, view #1

The half finished pool house, with the lamp

Lamp, view #2

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