Thursday, September 29, 2022

Another cumulative post

 In reality I wanted to have this post focusing on an area in the garden where both me and Mattias have worked together to improve it.

But, as I currently do not have all the pictures and when scrolling in the list there were some other interesting ones, this post will mix a bit of different topics.

1) This year has definitely been a plum year. I started the harvest with a lot of plums full of monilia and warms, but ended up with at least 10 kilos of plums that we converted into jam.

2) In April, I bought on Tradera a very particular painting, definitely Jugend. It is not a normal canvas but some form of textile where a woman is painted and part of the decorations are embroidered. I brought eventually the painting, which was shipped with a plastic frame and some original paper, to a framer and I got it upgraded (sadly, I forgot to ask him to not throw the original "paper").

3) I have finally made some small progress on the windows. Imperceptible, but still something in the ocean of unprogresses.

I have did put some putty on the glass on at least two windows, so since I didn't manage to paint right away, they are ready for painting now, after several weeks. 

One of the windows required Mattias' intervention for removing the corner irons (hörnjärn) which though are terribly rusty. I have submersed them in vinager and scraped them a bit and I was satisfied to see that some of the rust had gone off with this treatment. However, I thought they need more of it, so I have dumped them in their bucket a couple of weeks ago. I am definitely too slow for focusing on windows restauration...

4) Finally, the garden area I mentioned above. Here there has been always some logs of firewood. Sadly not very well placed and with tons of ivy and blackberries bushes growing wild.

How it looked when we started cleaning it up

We threw most of the logs, sadly, but we kept what we could. I have pulled away - I hope - most of the ivy and tried to cut down the blackberries (I should go and cut down the big one). Mattias has then stapled the wood he cut (from the pictures below, he was actually forced to move the logs towards the garage wall as the construction was too unstable to hold them piled up) and now it has a cover on it.
I still have some work to do around it, but I have also remove weeds from the surroundings and not just this specific corner.

We have some ideas on how to move forward with the area, but we need now to "just" find the time to finish it off.