Sunday, April 29, 2012


Being the house so old, it is quite natural that there have been a serie of owners living in her, we are simply the latest ones!

What we have understood so far is the following:
  • 1910: the house was built by the bank director Axel J. Ingemansson, who had two children. Greta, born 1899 and Hans born 1905. Hans was a lawyer and was a prominent politic figure in Lund history (in the 60s and 70s).
  • Afterwards, there have been different owners, among which some people that owned the "Tre Musketörer" Inn in Åkarp. I did some search on this and I found a relevant name, but I am not sure it is correct.
  • 1958: the house is bought by Inge Edler. He is a cardiologist and with Hellmuth Hertz (son of the Nobel price winner) will study the application of ultrasounds in medicine. He is considered the father of echocardiography.
  • 1979: the house is bought by Britta and Bengt Svensson. 
  • 2004: the house is bought by Thomas Bachrach.
  • 2012: here we come!

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