Sunday, August 5, 2018

Let's revive this

I have been having for about a year the task in my "todo" list to update the blog with news (if one wants to call them as such) related to the house, its history and the projects around it.
However, I have managed to fail miserably in this attempt and now, instead of going to clean the shower or cut the hedge, I decide to find another way to procrastinate both tasks by sitting here and writing again.

There are several things ongoing at Villa Bellevue right now and for inaugurating this attempt to keep a virtual diary of what's happening around here, I will mention some of the work around the pool and the pool house.

First of all, behind the pool there is a little slope. Last year, when we fixed the area around the pool, I didn't let the company working with it saw grass. I thought it'd be impossible to cut it as it is quite steep.
The slope 
At the beginning of the spring, it looked quite ok, but it didn't take too long before it started to become overgrown with weeds of all sort and looking quite unpleasant.
I took the decision to pursue one of my ideas for it, which is to put a lot of stones and some plants between them.
First round of stones
Now, this year it hasn't been really good planting anything, so, the few things that I did plant died when we were on holiday, so right now half of the slope has stones and some very dry poppies. The ambition is to finish the whole slope and have wild strawberries, poppies, daisies and lupines and maybe some other wildish flower growing there.
After putting the stones
I guess that improvement will come next year, considering the lack of rain.
There will be of course still some weeds. I haven't put a ground cloth, since I didn't think it would help considerably here anyway. Maybe a lazy choice, but I also wanted to get this done without killing myself.

The slope, with the pool house being built
After the second round of stones. Everything ever drier.
In the pictures one can see a glimpse of the pool house. I will keep that for another story (hopefully, I will manage to keep a flow on this blog, again).

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