Saturday, August 3, 2019

We stand here with the poolhouse

Progresses do happen slowly, sadly, but there are.
Thing is that although there is vacation there is also a garden to attend, food to prepare, kids to raise, laundry to make, and all the other projects that take bits and pieces of time and sometimes the energy is not there for the sprint that would be necessary to make a difference in this project.
But some things did happen...
1) We got electricity!
One of the switches 
But we miss the outdoor lamp...
2) We got the most of the metal sheet work up and running (and painted).
Freshly mounted gutter and downpipe
However we miss the window and door ironwork as well as the flinger...
3) We got the composting toilet mounted, with the pipe through the roof

The composting toilet is "ready" to be used
but as we don't have doors and windows we can't plug it in as the rain would create problems with the electricity
4) It can be used...

It's "ready" :P
but it lacks doors, windows and a lot of painting on top of all the rest and that is taking its time.
The shelves are waited to be mounted and we need to find also some other small accessory. 
ETA 2030? :)

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